Sunday, November 22, 2009

Whole Grains Help You Lose Weight and Fight Inflammation

Whole grains fight inflammation. Unfortunately, we don't eat enough whole grains. Despite recommendations to eat three or more servings a day, most Americans eat less than one. That could be a big loss for people with arthritis and inflammation.

Whole grains lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the blood, a marker of inflammation associated with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes – and rheumatoid arthritis. CRP levels often spike during a flare.

Researchers at Penn State had a group of 50 obese people receive all their grain servings from either whole grains or refined grains for 12 weeks. Both groups followed a weight-loss plan that included fresh fruit and vegetables, low-fat dairy, and lean meat, fish or poultry. People in both groups lost weight, but the whole-grain group also saw a 38 percent drop in CRP levels. They also lost more abdominal fat (the most dangerous kind).

To get more good grains in your diet, try eating oatmeal, brown rice, whole-grain cereal and whole-wheat crackers – all foods where the majority of the grain comes from whole grain.


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